
Our 6th, 7th, 和 8th Graders rule third floor domain of middle school!   学者 compel students into the worlds of Life 和 Earth Sciences, 美国历史上, 代数和圣经的完整概述.  Middle schoolers bond together by participating in spirit week festivities; creating memories at Merriwood; watching their homemade volcanoes explode; serving others via their Servant’s Heart Project; Math Olympics; local, district 和 national Spelling Bee competitions; 和 various other extracurricular activities.

中学包括六年级、七年级和八年级.  六年级每天有7节课, while the 7th 和 8th grade classes operate on “A” 和 “B” Day block schedules, 和高中差不多.

作为学院影响力生活项目的一部分, each middle school student completes a Servant’s Heart project. Students focus on serving others in their own home, their extended family, 和 their community. 小陪审团成员. β俱乐部 serve others through various projects at local community centers. Each grade level also assists a community or mission organization.

Academically, 中学 students can participate in Student Council 和 Jr. β俱乐部.  运动, 学生可以参加棒球比赛, 篮球, 啦啦队, 越野, 足球, 高尔夫球, 足球, 垒球, 游泳, 网球, Track, 和排球.

Eighth grade students attend Camp Merriwood in the fall for fellowship 和 team building, 参加华盛顿特区.C. 在春季作为学术实地考察.


Working in middle school is similar to panning for gold. I panned for gold once 和 was quite disappointed when I spent a long period of time sifting through the debris, 但从未找到一块金块. I did find a tiny flake that I could barely find again once it was placed in a tiny glass jar. 淘金需要努力工作和时间. It requires patience, faithfulness, 和 a never-give-up attitude.
When working with this age group, one has to sift through the debris. The debris consists of all the “stuff” that middle schoolers go through: physical changes, 取悦朋友的欲望, 测试边界, 弄清楚自己想成为什么样的人, 友谊的变化(有时每天), 自我意识, 等.
The flakes are glimpses of what we hope our children will become: intelligent, 负责任的, 愿意跟随基督的有爱心的成年人. We see the flakes at different times in a student’s life: completing homework without being told, 说“谢谢”,"承认错误", 考虑别人的需要, 以朋友的身份跟你说话, 发现缺陷, 然后试图改变, doing something simply because it is the right thing to do, or taking the initiative to have a quiet time with the Lord.
It is easy to focus on all the dirt 和 rocks, but then we will never find the gold. 金子就在那里,但需要挖掘出来. That is what the middle school years are all about: sifting through the debris, 寻找黄金, 然后开始成型过程. Not too many people are prepared or willing to invest so much time in sifting out the flakes.
Our middle school teachers are prepared for the challenge. 他们喜欢中学生. 他们通过教育来爱他们, 和他们一起笑, 和他们讨论话题, 和, 是的, 甚至惩戒他们,让他们负起责任. They are good at sifting through the debris because they have a passion to see their students become what God has intended them to be. We want to help bring out the gold in the students’ lives.


At the beginning of the second quarter of the seventh grade year, students may have the opportunity to join the 少年贝塔俱乐部. The 少年贝塔俱乐部 is comprised of students who display Christ-like characteristics, 保持高水平的学业成绩, 以及为他人服务的愿望. The purpose of the club is more than recognizing students who have achieved a certain st和ard. Its purpose is to train students to lead by serving others. Therefore, there are certain expectations of the members. Monthly meetings will be held that members must attend. They must be willing to make sacrifices so they can serve others in various school projects 和 community service activities. It is a great opportunity for students to serve others in the community 和 to learn more about their own personal gifts 和 abilities that the Lord has provided.
At the end of the sixth grade school year, students will need to have a numerical average of 95.00或更高(不四舍五入). We will look at the final overall average, not each quarter. 学生还需要保持95分.00 or higher during the first quarter of the seventh grade. These grades include all core classes 和 special classes. Students who receive a 79 or lower in any class will not be considered for membership even if that 79 is in a special class.
Students must have a good behavior record to become a member. Students who have received major disciplinary action or have a pattern of demerits may not be considered. Students who have disciplinary issues after being inducted in the 少年贝塔俱乐部 may be placed on probation, 禁止参加某些活动的, 或者被俱乐部开除.
Students who have met both of the above requirements will be asked to complete permission forms from parents 和 reference forms from teachers 和/or youth pastors.
Students who do not meet the criteria in seventh grade may be eligible after the second quarter of the eighth grade. All students will also have an opportunity to join the 高中 β俱乐部 in the 10th grade.
TK - 8手册2023-2024
TK - 8着装规范2023-2024
Mr. 斯科特Prohaska

Mr. 戴夫•沃克